Ishtar Gate at the Pergamon Museum |
Any discussion of visiting art works in Berlin must start
with a look at Museum Island.
This collection of five museums in the middle of the Spree River is home to a
vast collection of art and artifacts dating from ancient times through the end
of the 19th century. There are five buildings currently on the
island. The oldest, the Altes was built in 1830, while the newest is the
Pergamon which opened in 1930. Each houses a different part of the State
Collection and is worth a trip. To see them all would probably take a full day,
at least. I came had two specific exhibits I
wanted to explore, but I found a lot more.
The Bode Museum
The Bode |
I started my visit at the Bode
Museum. The building opened in 1904 as the Kaiser-Fredrick Museum,
and it was renamed in 1956 after its first curator, Wilhem von Bode. I chose
this museum to start because I think it is the most beautiful building on the
island. The interior underwent a major renovation between 1997 and 2006, but
The main entrance hall to the Bode |
exterior details are intact, restored after World War II. The most striking
feature to me are the two domes, on at either end of its interior galleries.
The entrance, at the northern tip of the island, brings you into a hall under
the large cupola. A statue of Kaiser Fredrick III has center stage in this
hall, but the large dome is the real star.
Under the small cupola |
The Bode houses the Byzantine and numismatic collections of
Stadtmuseum, and the exhibit halls are filled with wonderful pieces, but the
curators have taken advantage of the ongoing renovations of Museum of
Ethnography to put together a fascinating exhibit – Beyond Compare. The
curators have grouped together African pieces with European pieces from the
Bode of similar themes. Their idea is to demonstrate not just how themes are
universal, but how a colonial, Eurocentric view of art led works from other
places to be treated as less worthy than their European counterparts.
The Basilica |
Comparison of masks |
Religious figures |
The Pergamon Museum
Detail of a bull on the Ishtar Gate |
The Pergamon houses the Islamic and
Near-Eastern collections, along with three of the largest pieces in the
stadtmuseum – The Ishtar Gate, The Miletus Market Gate and the Pergamon Altar.
The second floor is home to the Islamic Art Collection. Here
you will find wonderful examples of art and home design, mostly from Egypt and
Iran (Persia). One of the
Detail from the Allepo Room |
most interesting pieces is the Aleppo
Room. These interior walls were created in the early part of the
17th century CE for the home of a Christian merchant in the city of
Aleppo in the Ottoman Empire (now Syria). Measuring a total of 35 m in length,
these wood panels are decorated with Middle-Eastern motifs and quotes from the Bible
and the Koran.
Another piece that I loved was prayer niche from the Bey
Hakim Mosque in the Ottoman empire. The mosque was constructed during the 13th
century CE. The prayer niche served two
purposes. It was
Prayer Niche |
built indicating the direction of Mecca, and thus show the
direction that the worshipers should face during prayers. Its shape also served
to amplify the voice of the imam leading prayers. This was important and the
imam, who also faces toward Mecca and away from the members of the mosque.
While there are excellent pieces in the Islamic art
collection, the highlights of the Pergamon Museum are on the first floor of the
building. They are the large, architectural objects that were brought to Germany
during the early part of the 20th century. Let’s start with the Ishtar
Gate. This entrance to the city of Babylon was built in 575 BCE by
King Nebuchadnezzar II. It was dedicated to the goddess Ishtar,
and played a key role in the New Year celebrations, which took place

around the
vernal equinox. This is only the smaller, outer gate, but a nearby model shows
the entirety of the wall and passage-way, along with the approach. The
presentation here is a reconstruction, incorporating both original pieces and
bricks cast in modern times to recreate what existed. The wall was covered with
bricks that had a dark blue enamel on one side, meant to mimic the color of
lapis lazuli. The walls were decorated with reliefs of lions, bulls and
dragons. The Ishtar Gate also includes a cuneiform inscription that begins as
Cuneiform inscription |
Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, the pious prince appointed by the will
of Marduk, the highest priestly prince, beloved of Nabu, of prudent
deliberation, who has learnt to embrace wisdom, who fathomed Their (Marduk and
Nabu) godly being and pays reverence to their Majesty, the untiring Governor,
who always has at heart the care of the cult of Esagila and Ezida and is
constantly concerned with the well being of Babylon and Borsippa, the wise, the
humble, the caretaker of Esagila and Ezida, the first born son of Nabopolassar,
the King of Babylon, am I.
Model of the Ishtart Gate and its approach |
This must have been an awe-inspiring
entrance to the city. Blue was a rare color in ancient times, so approach this
huge blue façade must have been a unique experience for visitors. I often feel
that our movies and have done a disservice to history. So many ancient structures
have been presented as dusty and gray or brown. The reality was often very
different. Statues in in ancient Rome and Greece were often painted and
structures were often decorated in ways that were not shown on tv or the big
Market Gate of Melitus |
Once you have taken the time to fully
appreciate the Ishtar Gate, walk through the door at the center and you pass
from Babylon to the Roman Empire. The Market Gate of Melitus is a marble
structure that is over 16 m tall and 30 m wide. It served as the southern gate-way
to the agora in the town of Melitus,
a Roman city in what is today Turkey. It was built in the 2nd
century CE and probably destroyed by an earthquake during the 10th
or 11th century CE. As with the Ishtar Gate, the damage from the
earthquake and the ravages of time have required that the museum create a
reconstruction of this ancient gate, while much of the 2nd level is
the original material, the builders used many modern materials to recreate the
lower level. That being said, the this is still an amazing structure. You can
see the niches that contained statues of emperors and warriors, and the
platforms that provided a view out over the
Orpheus Mosaic |
marketplace. Also present in the hall is a mosaic tile
floor depicting the story of Orpheus. The floor was probably in the dining room
of house in Miletus. The central figure is recognized as Orpheus because he was
known for his ability to entrance animals, and the floor is shows animals being
tamed by Orpheus playing his lyre.
Unfortunately, the Pergamon Altar,
which gives the museum its name, was unavailable when I visited. The building
has been under-going a massive renovation, and that section was still not open.
I will have to return, because the photos I have seen in other reviews of the
Altar are magnificent.
The Neues Museum
The last piece that I wanted to see
was in the Neues
Museum. Originally built in 1857, here is the home to the Egyptian
and Ancient Northern European collections. The building was heavily damaged
during World War II and did not reopen until 2009.
The crowd around Nefertiti |
The housing of Egyptian and Bronze
Age European pieces under same roof makes for an interesting juxtaposition of
experiences as you walk through a galley of bronze and steel swords and farming
tools and turn the corner into a gallery of Egyptian statues. But the main
reason to visit the Neues Museum is to view the Nefertiti Bust.
Nefertiti was the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten, who ruled during the 14th
century BCE. The bust was believed to have been sculpted around 1345 BCE in the
city of Armana, which was the capital of Egypt at the time. It was found in a
workshop with several other busts that had yet been finished.
By No machine-readable author provided. Zserghei assumed (based on copyright claims). [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
The bust is in excellent condition,
with colors that are still vibrant and only minimal damage. It is a unique and
beautiful piece, presented in a corner gallery, alone, except for some background
information. Photography is not allowed in the gallery, but the guards were
quick to point out exactly where you could stand to try and get a shot, if the
crowd breaks long enough to give a clear view.
A brief note on provenance and
ownership of these pieces. There continues to be much controversy around the
world over whether or not pieces that were taken, with or with the permission
of the local governments at the time, should be returned to their country of
origin. I do not present this review as endorsement of status quo. It is just a
review of the art and architectural works in their current situation.
I did not visit the Altes Museum or
the Alte Nationalgalerie on this trip. Berlin has so many choices, and I really
wanted to see the Käthe
Kollwitz Museum on the other side of the city, so I will have to
catch up with what I missed on another trip.
Getting There:
The closest train stations are the Friedrickstrasse
Station, the Oranienbergerstrasse station and the Hecksher Markt stations. They
are all served by multiple U-bahn and S-bahn lines.